Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish family history and translation
Slektsforskning på norsk, svenska og dansk.

Scandinavian Genealogy
at its best

If the records exist,
I will find them, ....

... I will transcribe them, ...

... and I will translate them.
When searching for our ancestors, there are many sources to draw upon. Sometimes though, due to harsh weather, fires, wars, and other circumstances, records get lost, and with them the information therein. But if the records and the information exist, I will use all of my resources to find them.
The old Gothic handwriting that was used unto the 1800s can at times be hard to read. Not every priest and clergyman had the best penmanship. And great grandma’s old shaky writings might be difficult to decipher. We can turn the information into legible and understandable text.
What good is a document if you cannot understand it? With a native Norwegian's sound understanding of the Scandinavian languages and education as a professional translator, you can rest assured that the translation will be well written and accurate.